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Tres Artistas



Lynne Hull of the U.S.A, Yolanda Gutierrez of Mexico, and Patricia Lara of Colombia
are designing eco-art projects for working collaboratively
in each of their home countries.

In February and March of 2008 they will be researching
Sea-Turtle conservation projects in Mexico,
economic development projects in a small village in Colombia,
the loss of wetlands in Cartagena, Colombia,
and creating a model seminar for students in developing countries
interested in creating eco-art for their nearby ecological reserves.

The artistas are looking for opportunities in the U.S.
 Further artworks by Yolanda Gutierrez may be viewed at:
www.greenmuseum.org, and www.yolandagutierrez.com


Yolanda Gutierrez
Duck arch


Patricia Lara


Lynne and Patricia previously worked
on small projects in Colombia
which can be seen under
“recent projects” on this website.

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